
Drupal 7: Moving the Footer Outside of the Page Wrapper in the Omega Theme

I started working on a site recently using the Omega theme. In general, I find (once you get used to its ins and outs) Omega is a great theme to get a responsive Drupal 7 site off the ground relatively quickly. It comes packaged with all sorts of goodies, and is based (and includes) the 960 Grid System. Read more about Drupal 7: Moving the Footer Outside of the Page Wrapper in the Omega Theme

Using Drupal Calendar Module to Display Events in a Calendar Format

I have a potential project coming up, and a big part of it will be posting and display upcoming events to potential clientele. Up until now, every time I've created a list of events in Drupal, it has been just that: a list (generated by Views, based on an Event content type I created).

However, there are times when a traditional Calendar display is going to be desired/needed. Read more about Using Drupal Calendar Module to Display Events in a Calendar Format

Is Your Site Shipwrecked?

Let's get her sailing again!

We've all heard stories like this. You made an initial investment in your Web site several years ago. You paid someone (cousin, boyfriend's sister, friendly college student, creepy Craigslister) to throw something together for you, just to have a site. But, at the time, you weren't really sure what you needed, and your business was just dipping its toes in the waters of the Web. Read more about Is Your Site Shipwrecked?

Mollom: A Godsend to Drupal Comment Moderation

Mollom logo

Because finding the time to manage and update your own Web site is always a challenge, I finally just got around to making some updates to it over the weekend.... including, at long last, installing the Mollom module.

Besides rhyming with Gollum, the Mollom module is significant for helping to intelligently detect spam as its coming in to any fields (such as comments, contact field, etc.) that you designate on your site. Read more about Mollom: A Godsend to Drupal Comment Moderation

Intro to Views Slideshow and Dynamic Display Blocks

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I thought I'd look into using the Drupal Views Slideshow module for some upcoming slideshows / rotators / billboards on Drupal projects. In the past, my standby for achieving a billboard / rotator / slideshow was to use my favorite jQuery plugin of all time, Malsup's jQuery Cycle plugin, to convert a standard views list into a slideshow with whatever options I wanted. Read more about Intro to Views Slideshow and Dynamic Display Blocks

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